I’m pretty sure I lost my sanity in the move between Chicago and Detroit. It fell off the truck somewhere on the I-84, probably between the never-ending road construction and the fourth consecutive replay of Barbie’s Rapunzel.
But after enduring 12 moves in 15 years, I’ve learned a few things.
Like it’s okay to say no when your movers ask you to go buy cigarettes for them. And that kids are a lot happier if you give them control over something. And, best of all, that there are methods to reduce the chaos that threatens to steal your sanity.
1. De-stress the kids! Regardless of their ages, show them (don’t just tell them) the places where they can continue to be a goalie or practice becoming the next Michelle Kwan. For the smaller kiddos, point out on a map all the parks near your new home. And where the nearest Chuck E. Cheese is located. Call places that provide the lessons your kids are interested in and have them send info directly to your child. You’ll get the cool mom award. Why? You’re showing them that you care enough to prioritize their needs.
2. Free boxes! Moving boxes are ridiculously expensive, especially considering that they’re made of cardboard. Head over to freecycle.org. People are always looking to unload their moving boxes. Just take a fellow adult with you when you pick them up. Remember what you’re always telling your kids? Safety first.
3. Know before you go! Before signing any contracts, get at least three quotes from well-known companies. Do not ever hire movers that you have not personally met and researched. Your movers should be both uniformed and respectful to you and your possessions. If you’re not comfortable with something on Moving Day, you have the power to call your moving rep and request changes.
4. Make ‘em work! Your possessions can multi-task almost as well as you. Reduce packing material costs by folding and layering comforters and towels at the bottoms and tops of boxes of breakables. (Those large dish packs need it in the center, too). And don’t let your plastic food containers off the hook. Fill them with dry goods you plan on taking to your new home–sugar, flour, salt, cereals, bread crumbs, etc.–before you pack them in a box.
5. Check that money! Set up a checking account in your new town before you actually move. Not all banks have connections with each other, so it may be difficult to deposit money quickly into your old account. And without money in an accessible account, your hands are tied tighter than your six-year-old son’s knotted shoelaces. As you settle in, you’ll be writing checks to places that don’t accept debit or credit cards (the DMV, the carpet cleaners and the like). Some business are picky about out-of-state checks, too.
6. Relief in a box! Fill a box with essentials: coffee pot; coffee; unopened snacks; hair bands; essential tools; box cutters; toilet paper; paper towels; disinfectant wipes; hand soap; trash bags; and TV remotes. Label it Relief! and make sure it’s the last to go on the truck and the first to come off.
7. Boredom busters! When it’s a multi-day trek to your new home, let the kids pick out fun places to stop (Mall of America, Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame, the World’s Largest Loaf of Bread…) Surprise them throughout the drive with small, wrapped gifts. Plan for rest stop activities to get the wiggles out: a football, bubbles, jump ropes and Frisbees are all lightweight and small enough to stash easily in among the masses of luggage.
8. Keep it together! Put all your moving quotes, important phone numbers, hotel reservations, rental contracts, pet vaccination paperwork and other paper paraphernalia in a binder that stays with you throughout your move. When you need to reference something, the binder has the answer. No need to lose time searching through a half packed house.
9. Inexpensive happiness! Help your kiddos get excited about their new home. Give them some much needed control by letting them each pick out a new poster to hang in their rooms or by choosing some of those great (and inexpensive) vinyl wall decorations. The kids will also settle in faster when you get their rooms set up, pictures hung and toys strewn about (messy can be a good thing), so make that a priority.
10. Find it fast! Use bright florescent labels to mark the boxes that need to be unpacked first in each room – the dishware, the bedding (pack your alarm clock in there, too), the wine glasses. Take an extra few seconds while packing to put those stickers on all sides of the box so that no matter which direction it’s facing, you’ll see the sticker.
Kate now lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and two school-age daughters. She recently resigned from her day job to pursue a full-time writing career. She’s actively looking for a publisher for her moving how-to guide “Movin’ & Groovin’” and is having a blast writing her first novel.
Post Source:http://www.hybridmom.com/
But after enduring 12 moves in 15 years, I’ve learned a few things.
Like it’s okay to say no when your movers ask you to go buy cigarettes for them. And that kids are a lot happier if you give them control over something. And, best of all, that there are methods to reduce the chaos that threatens to steal your sanity.
2. Free boxes! Moving boxes are ridiculously expensive, especially considering that they’re made of cardboard. Head over to freecycle.org. People are always looking to unload their moving boxes. Just take a fellow adult with you when you pick them up. Remember what you’re always telling your kids? Safety first.
3. Know before you go! Before signing any contracts, get at least three quotes from well-known companies. Do not ever hire movers that you have not personally met and researched. Your movers should be both uniformed and respectful to you and your possessions. If you’re not comfortable with something on Moving Day, you have the power to call your moving rep and request changes.
4. Make ‘em work! Your possessions can multi-task almost as well as you. Reduce packing material costs by folding and layering comforters and towels at the bottoms and tops of boxes of breakables. (Those large dish packs need it in the center, too). And don’t let your plastic food containers off the hook. Fill them with dry goods you plan on taking to your new home–sugar, flour, salt, cereals, bread crumbs, etc.–before you pack them in a box.
5. Check that money! Set up a checking account in your new town before you actually move. Not all banks have connections with each other, so it may be difficult to deposit money quickly into your old account. And without money in an accessible account, your hands are tied tighter than your six-year-old son’s knotted shoelaces. As you settle in, you’ll be writing checks to places that don’t accept debit or credit cards (the DMV, the carpet cleaners and the like). Some business are picky about out-of-state checks, too.
6. Relief in a box! Fill a box with essentials: coffee pot; coffee; unopened snacks; hair bands; essential tools; box cutters; toilet paper; paper towels; disinfectant wipes; hand soap; trash bags; and TV remotes. Label it Relief! and make sure it’s the last to go on the truck and the first to come off.
7. Boredom busters! When it’s a multi-day trek to your new home, let the kids pick out fun places to stop (Mall of America, Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame, the World’s Largest Loaf of Bread…) Surprise them throughout the drive with small, wrapped gifts. Plan for rest stop activities to get the wiggles out: a football, bubbles, jump ropes and Frisbees are all lightweight and small enough to stash easily in among the masses of luggage.
8. Keep it together! Put all your moving quotes, important phone numbers, hotel reservations, rental contracts, pet vaccination paperwork and other paper paraphernalia in a binder that stays with you throughout your move. When you need to reference something, the binder has the answer. No need to lose time searching through a half packed house.
9. Inexpensive happiness! Help your kiddos get excited about their new home. Give them some much needed control by letting them each pick out a new poster to hang in their rooms or by choosing some of those great (and inexpensive) vinyl wall decorations. The kids will also settle in faster when you get their rooms set up, pictures hung and toys strewn about (messy can be a good thing), so make that a priority.
10. Find it fast! Use bright florescent labels to mark the boxes that need to be unpacked first in each room – the dishware, the bedding (pack your alarm clock in there, too), the wine glasses. Take an extra few seconds while packing to put those stickers on all sides of the box so that no matter which direction it’s facing, you’ll see the sticker.
Kate now lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and two school-age daughters. She recently resigned from her day job to pursue a full-time writing career. She’s actively looking for a publisher for her moving how-to guide “Movin’ & Groovin’” and is having a blast writing her first novel.
Post Source:http://www.hybridmom.com/
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